
Showing posts from May, 2020

You are a Wonderful Miracle

You are a miracle. Beyond your concept of self to something more... Miracle, n. marvellous event due to some supernatural agency;                   remarkable occurrence;                   remarkable specimen;                   latin miraculum (mirari wonder, mirus wonderful). You are marvellous and wonderful! You are supernatural! You are a remarkable occurrence every second you breath life into your spirit, soul & body! You are a remarkable specimen unveiling your beauty in every mille-second. You are a Miracle by Kleoniki Vanos Surround yourself with people who see you as a miracle!!! Stretch, grow, reach, be, share, love, learn accept, trust, and live NOW!

Self Love

The map to self-love. Inner Vow by Kleoniki Vanos Where is the map? Abuse! Do we deserve it? We all know the answer to that question, but do we truly live it? Where does it start & when do you draw the line? It starts with you. When you accept these lies your self-worth suffers greatly: The messages we receive: I'm not going out with you dressed like that, I'll be ashamed to be seen with you! I don't have time for you, I'm too busy making money! I don't like your friends. I'm not interested in listening to you when you need to talk. People are not ready for you yet, and they don't understand you. You're not good enough. ENOUGH! Lift up your head! Remove the mask! Stop allowing people to make you feel ashamed of who you are! It ends with you! Refuse the lies. The map is within you! The truth is being declared now! The messages we believe: I am proud to be by your side, & to be seen with you, even on your worst day! I am here for you...

You are Priceless

Strive to love infinitely and without regret. When reality strikes... go with the flow, it will lead you somewhere. Not a single moment or detail was spared in your design, and a lot of care and attention was given and continues to be given.  How can the journey of you, have ended without purpose or plan? Impossible!!! Perhaps the deception lies within the sensuous perception of an external object involving a false belief of worthlessness? Infinitely precious! (boundless, endless, very great, innumerable, very many,  not limited by a person or number).  T his describes you, me, them, others, we, us!  The impact of this message, when received and absorbed by the spirit, soul, mind and body, goes beyond all measurement to every dimension known and unknown. The result... priceless and well worth IT ALL! Pearls of Wisdom by Kleoniki Vanos

Always at the Right Place at the Right Time

From darkness into light. When the light hurt my eyes...  I look for a place where the light won't find me & then I wait expectantly for the pain to go away.  Why did she leave me? 3 days of darkness, like Christ in the tomb, then the light gently comes to greet me on the fourth. "I went looking for these gifts!" she says. "Here is love for you & look here is JOY! Do you see that it was necessary for me to go away & for you to wait in the dark?" "Yes light," I replied, "I understand. At the breaking of the dawn I found  the right place at the right time ! Thank you for going away, just long enough for me to see. I have clearer vision now!" For every action there is an equal & opposite re-action! For every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. Whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. Sir Isaac Newton Fro...

You are Valuable

There is great value in each of us. A sheet of paper, it's potential is endless!  The creative process begins, but it doesn't take on the form that was imagined, so it gets crumpled up & aimed at the bin. Missed. Oh well.  Someone walks by, sees the discarded piece of paper & ignores it - "That's someone else's problem."  Another person walks by, notices the paper, but gets distracted; "I don't have time for this."  And yet another person walks by & from somewhere, a whisper is heard; "More than you think." This is enough to inspire a stop and a bend down to retrieve the crumpled piece of paper... What does he see when he unfolds the paper & irons out the creases?  A signed Picasso doodle?  A child's impression of a happy moment?  A lost treasure map?  A lovers note? That which would make you feel like you have discovered a priceless treasure, could be on the discarded paper! ...

The Success of Making Mistakes

Be kind to yourself (31 - October - 2011) Contemplation on the subject of mistakes? The opposite of a mistake is correct (ion). I'm taking a leap here, so please bear with me.  If you believe that a mistake is a bad thing & that it leads to failure, mockery & death then, essentially you shouldn't be alive today. Wouldn't it be better if every time your soul sees a mistake, you amend the connotation to correct (ion)? What is the correction? There is no such thing as a mistake, there is only learning and growing! How would life be, right now, if you could eliminate the "mistakes" you have made? I'm sure half the earths population wouldn't be alive today! This could even include the people you love, because they would potentially be someone else's mistake!  Perhaps I'm being just a little extreme here, but I feel that I have to be! Your mistakes/correct (ions) have the absolute potential to lead to:  (a moment of clarity if yo...

Giving Birth to Your Dreams

Living Mercifully  (27 October 2011) My day began contemplating the processes of giving birth. The reason for this was that I had become afraid that I would not be able to follow through & complete the journey that I had started. Then came the awesome encouraging realisation that once the birthing process has begun, it MUST be completed. T he whole earth in all of its created state of glory resounds this truth. Living Mercifully  by  Kleoniki Vanos It can become a huge burden to carry, this bringing forth of life from deep within your soul & spirit. Sometimes it seems as if this very life that is bursting to come out  is, at the same time, resisting the uncovering life force and fighting to stay hidden in the sunless darkness. In a moment we can be guilty and innocent, willingly or unwillingly.  T hey come into being at precisely the same instant!  Neither can exist in the absence of the other! ...

A True Likeness

What is a portrait? Portrait  n. likeness of person or animal made by drawing, painting, photography, etc.; graphic description. Graphic . of drawing, painting, engraving, etching, etc.; vividly descriptive, lifelike; of writing on surface or in fracture; of diagrams or symbolic curves. greek ( gráfo - write). Vivid .(of light or colour) bright, intense, glaring, (of mental faculty or impression) clear, vigorous, strongly marked, as has an imagination, gave a description, have a recollection of the scene. latin (vivere - live).  As described by the concise oxford dictionary. What is it to capture a likeness of a person??? Graphically engraving an impression marked by your imagination to describe your recollection of life in someone or something. Wow! That's a beautiful mouth full to explain that there are no words to describe the connection that happens between the recorder & the recorded! It happens in a moment! Unplanned, without force, in the natural flo...