Giving Birth to Your Dreams

Living Mercifully 
(27 October 2011)

My day began contemplating the processes of giving birth. The reason for this was that I had become afraid that I would not be able to follow through & complete the journey that I had started.

Then came the awesome encouraging realisation that once the birthing process has begun, it MUST be completed. The whole earth in all of its created state of glory resounds this truth.

Living Mercifully
Kleoniki Vanos

It can become a huge burden to carry, this bringing forth of life from deep within your soul & spirit. Sometimes it seems as if this very life that is bursting to come out is, at the same time, resisting the uncovering life force and fighting to stay hidden in the sunless darkness.

In a moment we can be guilty and innocent, willingly or unwillingly. 

They come into being at precisely the same instant! Neither can exist in the absence of the other!

Einstein's theory of relativity - the dimensions of time, space, & matter constitute a continuum (an unbroken mass or tissue or course of).

What do we do with this theory? 

We become aware of our state of being, and accept the ebb and flow of all things that are life. Embracing all of our strengths and vulnerabilities until we are in unison with creation. This is what we call, living mercifully.


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