The Success of Making Mistakes

Be kind to yourself

(31 - October - 2011)

Contemplation on the subject of mistakes? The opposite of a mistake is correct (ion).

I'm taking a leap here, so please bear with me. 

If you believe that a mistake is a bad thing & that it leads to failure, mockery & death then, essentially you shouldn't be alive today. Wouldn't it be better if every time your soul sees a mistake, you amend the connotation to correct (ion)?

What is the correction? There is no such thing as a mistake, there is only learning and growing!

How would life be, right now, if you could eliminate the "mistakes" you have made? I'm sure half the earths population wouldn't be alive today! This could even include the people you love, because they would potentially be someone else's mistake! Perhaps I'm being just a little extreme here, but I feel that I have to be!

Your mistakes/correct (ions) have the absolute potential to lead to: (a moment of clarity if you please - correction in love! always!, but if done in anger or selfishness or low self-esteem, there is always an opportunity for reaching (effort on your part) toward an equilibrium.

Success because you are not afraid to live!
Praise because you know how much it cost to find the cure!
And life because there is growth & opportunity for truth, which gives you wings!

There is hope as long as there is life & the hope is that there are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn!

This is a very controversial topic, because as I write this I find a struggle within; one that says; 'you have it all wrong,' & another that says; 'you might be onto something.'

One more motivation - God does not make mistakes!

In chaos there is perfect harmony.

The Success of Making Mistakes
Kleoniki Vanos


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