You are Valuable

There is great value in each of us.

A sheet of paper, it's potential is endless! 

The creative process begins, but it doesn't take on the form that was imagined, so it gets crumpled up & aimed at the bin. Missed. Oh well. 

Someone walks by, sees the discarded piece of paper & ignores it - "That's someone else's problem." 

Another person walks by, notices the paper, but gets distracted; "I don't have time for this." 
And yet another person walks by & from somewhere, a whisper is heard; "More than you think." This is enough to inspire a stop and a bend down to retrieve the crumpled piece of paper...

What does he see when he unfolds the paper & irons out the creases? 
A signed Picasso doodle? 
A child's impression of a happy moment? 
A lost treasure map? 
A lovers note?

That which would make you feel like you have discovered a priceless treasure, could be on the discarded paper!

There is Great Value in Each of Us

Kleoniki Vanos


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