Dare To Believe in the Promise

Talking to an Angel

Talking to an Angel
Kleoniki Vanos

I thought I saw an Angel & while I was still contemplating the direction of my thoughts I realised that the vision was in fact true! 

Angel: I have been waiting for this moment! And now that you're free to see, I can share with you the dreams I have for you.

May your vision never be clouded!
May you rise to heights of new found flight & journey to the truth of love!
May you find warm affection in yourself & grow fond of your weaknesses & strengths!
May you be devoted to the Truth that is in you & may you convey that message of affection to everyone you meet!
May you cling to, delight in, enjoy having, be addicted to & admire the existence of the gift of life!

There is freedom within you!!!


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