
Interior Design Tips and Inspiration

Japandi Interiors The year was 2020, and the entire world had ground to a halt as everyone was confined indoors. It was then that I realised I had to find something to occupy my time, other than my love and passion for photography, so I decided to enrol in an interior design course. Module 3 - Design Styles, was my first introduction to the Japandi interior design aesthetic, and now I am a huge fan. It is a combination of the Scandinavian modernist movement with the traditional cultural elegance that we see in Japanese styling. These interiors are clean and minimalist but warm and comfortable at the same time. The fusion of functionality and coziness looks beautiful. The colour palette is warm earth tones, which compliment both the Scandinavian and Japanese design aesthetic. An abstract, monochromatic artwork on a feature wall will complement this uncomplicated interior design aesthetic. Art for Interiors "Recalibration" by Kleoniki Vanos  
  The Beginning of Something New Sing... sing a song such as has never been heard before! #084 by  Kleoniki Vanos Make this big gesture outside of yourself... raise your arms and reach for the sky, wave your hands, do a dance and be energised by this physical manifestation of victory. The victory of finding yourself and embracing your authenticity in this cosmos of living and breathing life! Every! is growing towards you loving you! Trust that your life has a purpose and that every moment is moving towards the unveiling of a masterpiece that is you! Compromise is not an option, there is only ONE you! Selfishness does not mean the embrace of individuality, but the denying thereof! When I make room for myself there will be room for others. Something new is happening and you are already part of it.

Time to Breath

The perils of a busy mind. My mind is too busy, therefore I am confused ~ Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff This should be a breeze, I think to myself as a tiny bead of perspiration forms on my brow. Hold on. Don't force it! Don't come across as desperate! Just be. Aaah, that feels better already. This is the self-talk I've been having since 2011.  A Little Smackerel by Kleoniki Vanos I read a little "smackerel" and it goes something like this: I was out walking one day, when I noticed the rapid pursuit of a nearby stream. She was rushing, pushing and forcing her way into as much as she possibly could. As I continued my walk along the river bank I noticed that the stream had became a quiet river, no longer shoving and imposing herself upon her surroundings, but simply being and embracing. Making way for all that is natural.  I asked her, "Why so still now river?" Upon which she replied, "I was of little wisdom before, but have grown sinc...

Prosper in Love

Everything is new under the sun! Sing... sing a song such as has never been heard before! Make this big gesture outside of yourself...raise your arms & reach for the sky, wave your hands, do a dance and be energised by this physical manifestation of victory, as you embrace your authenticity in this cosmos of living & breathing life! Every! is growing towards you loving you! Being, trusting & living you!  Trust that your life has a purpose & that every moment is moving towards the unveiling of a masterpiece... you! Awaken from Your Slumber by Kleoniki Vanos Compromise is not an option, there is only ONE you! Selfishness does not mean the embrace of individuality, but the denying thereof! When I make room for myself there will be room for others. In love we prosper!

What if the world was not lonely?

Authentic self. To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer (me thinks it best to occupy the mind with victory) The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, (and how things always work out in the end) Or to take arms against a sea of troubles (live in peace and trust the process, the casualties are less) And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to... (heartache is winter to my soul, which is followed by spring) From Winter into Spring by Kleoniki Vanos When this quote, from Shakespeare's Hamlet, ran through my mind, my consciousness began to place tiny pieces of authentic self together.  Am I forged together by external influences and circumstances, which were then followed by inner (distorted/accurate?) processes and reactions to them?           ...

You are a Wonderful Miracle

You are a miracle. Beyond your concept of self to something more... Miracle, n. marvellous event due to some supernatural agency;                   remarkable occurrence;                   remarkable specimen;                   latin miraculum (mirari wonder, mirus wonderful). You are marvellous and wonderful! You are supernatural! You are a remarkable occurrence every second you breath life into your spirit, soul & body! You are a remarkable specimen unveiling your beauty in every mille-second. You are a Miracle by Kleoniki Vanos Surround yourself with people who see you as a miracle!!! Stretch, grow, reach, be, share, love, learn accept, trust, and live NOW!